

Weaving the world wide web l Client Server Architecture l HTML Structure-Head Body and HTML Version l HTML comments Page Information-title, meta, link, style, script l HTML Tags and Attributes l First Web page- Hello World l Text Formatting Tags l Block Elements l Documents Structure l Format tag l Image tag l Anchor tag l Lists l HTML structures l Table Structure HTML forms HTML Semantic Elements l Audio, Video Tag

Types of CSS l Introduction to selectors l Tag, Id and Class Selectors l Combinator selector l Pseudo-Class selectors l Pseudo-elements selectors l Attribute Selectors l Text Properties l Custom Font Family l  CSS Unit Types- Color And size l Box Properties l Border Properties l Margin and Padding l Shadow Properties –Text and Box l Background Properties l Float and clear Position Properties l Display Properties l Responsive Utilities l Meta Viewport l Media Queries l Responsive Images l Flexbox layout l Grid Layout

Javascript History and Features l Types of JSI l Var, let and const keywords Scopes l Datatypes l Operators l Conditional and Control Statements l Built-in and Regular Functions l Passing parameters & return value l Arrays in JavaScript l String and math object l Window Object-console screen, Location, History l Document object model l DOM structure and hierarchy l DOM manipulation methods l Event handling l Event types (click, submit, keypress) l Event propagation and delegation

Arrow Functions | Anonymous Functions | Javascript Objects | Accessing Properties and Methods of the Object | Usage of “this” keyword | Dynamic Property Syntax in Object Literal | Shorter Property Syntax in Object Literal | Modern Javascript | Template String | Destructuring Arrays and Objects | Rest/Spread Operators | JS Callbacks | JS Asynchronous | JS Promises JS Async/Await | Working on fetch function | Creating currency convertor by consuming API

Features of ReactJS | Function & Class based based component | Adding JSX | dynamic variables – JSX | Run JSX Preprocessor | Tree Reconciliation | Function Component & Props | Class Component & Props | Counter App | Displaying Components | Conditional Rendering | Short Circuiting | Logical, Ternary Operators | Handling Side-Effects | Pure vs Impure Functions | Cleanup of a Side-Effect | Add a 1010 Side-Effect – Github Cards Project | Project: Building E-Commerce Application React Router 110 (x6)Configuring the Routes I Navigate Programmatically I Handling Query Params I Handling Forms

Layout and content l Bootstrap components l Accordion l Alerts l Badge l Breadcrumb l Button Group l Card l Carousel List Group l Modal l Navbar Navs and tabs l Pagination l Placeholders l Popovers l Progress l Scrollspy l Spinners l Toasts l Tooltip Bootstrap utilities l Bootstrap Icons l Layout and Grids l CSS Grids l Forms l Form Control l Select l Checks and radios l Range l Input Group l Floating labels l Form validation

SQL Launchpad | Introduction to MySOL | MYSOL Setup & Installation | Understanding Databases, Tables, and Rows | Data types, expressions Crafting SQL Databases (DDL) & Mastering Data Control (DML) | Table Creation & Structure | CREATE, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE & DROP Statements Constraints | Querying into Data (DQL) | SELECT statement | WHERE clause search condition | Arithmeticm, Comparison and Logical operator | Range operator | List operator | Searching with LIKE | Using ORDER BY, DISTINCT and TOP | Understanding NULL | Case statement | Unlock the Built in Functions | String Function | Math Function | Date Function | Comparison Functions | Aggregate Function | GROUP BY | HAVING Clause | Types of Joins | Types of Sub-queries I SQL Views.

What is NoSQL? | Difference between SOL and NoSQL | What is MongoDB? | Installing MongoDB on Local Machine | Data Types In MongoDB | Using MongoDB Shell | Perform CRUD Operations in MongoDB | Finding Documents | Using Projection | Various MongoDB Operators | Aggregates in MongoDB Queries.

Java Features | Java Virtual Machine-Architecture, Compiled vs Interpreted | Languages, Bytecode and Object | Java Installation | Variables, Data Types, Type Casting | Operators & Tokens | Control Structures & Looping | Accessing Array elements | Multidimensional Array | Object Oriented Programming (OOPS) – Classes & Objects In-Depth | Access Modifiers Abstraction, Inheritance & Polymorphism | Method Overriding & Overloading | Abstract Classes and Interfaces Dynamic memory allocation, Garbage collection | Strings & DateTime API | String, StringBuffer & StringBuilder| Exception Handling | Compile time errors & Run time errors | Collection Framework | Wrapper Classes | Autoboxing and Unboxing Working with ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet Queue, Dequeue, Stack | Maps – HashMap, LinkedHashMap. TreeMap Generics | Lambda Expression & Stream API | Multi-Threading | Synchronized Methods, Block.

Request-Response Life Cycle | Spring Initializer | Project Structure | Maven Commands Components of Spring MVC | Spring Boot Application using ST4 | @Controller and @RequestMapping annotations | Properties file | Spring Boot Dev Tools | Spring Core | loC Container | @Component and @Bean annotations | Beans Overview | Dependency Injection-Field, Constructor, Setter | Creating REST APIS | Creating Service file | Creating Rest Controller Consuming REST APIs using Postman Starter validation dependency | Built-in validators | Validating the Request | Database Integration & JPA Repository | Add MySQL connector & spring ipa dependency | Defining Custom Query Methods | JPA Auditing | Using Data REST, Pagination & Sorting Relationships & Projections | Connect & Render React components.

What is software testing? | Testing importance in Software Development | Types of testing (Unit, Integration, System. Acceptance) | Unit and Integration Testing | Overview of unit-test framework | Writing first test case | Writing integration tests using unit-test or pytest Testing REST API using Postman.

Key Highlights

  • Hands-On Projects: Work on projects like e-commerce, blogging platforms, and portfolio websites. 
  • Note: Each candidate is required to upload their project to GitHub to showcase their work professionally.
  • Industry-Ready Curriculum: Stay updated with the latest trends in Fullstack Development.
  • Expert Faculty: Learn from seasoned developers with industry experience.
  • Employability Sessions: Dedicated sessions to enhance employability skills.
  • Resume and LinkedIn Profile Building: Tailored guidance to create impressive profiles that stand out.
  • Mentor Guidance: Personalized mentorship from experienced developers throughout the course.
  • Evaluation and Assignments: Regular assessments and assignments to track progress and mastery.