Weaving the world wide web l Client Server Architecture l HTML Structure-Head Body and HTML Version l HTML comments Page Information-title, meta, link, style, script l HTML Tags and Attributes l First Web page- Hello World l Text Formatting Tags l Block Elements l Documents Structure l Format tag l Image tag l Anchor tag l Lists l HTML structures l Table Structure HTML forms HTML Semantic Elements l Audio, Video Tag

An HTML course is, therefore, fundamental to academic and professional development. On an academic level, it equips the student with foundational skills required in web development. It raises the quality of the projects and assignments undertaken. More importantly, it prepares students for the subsequent more advanced technologies of CSS and JavaScript. Proficient knowledge in HTML puts a student at an advantage in the job market in terms of competing for positions related to web development and design, digital marketing, and content management as part of internship or entry-level work. They can develop personal portfolios, communicate with the technical team concerning their work, and even explore entrepreneurial opportunities.